Pet Pawtraiture

“Ever Hopeful” Original soft pastel on velour, 9/12 x 12 1/2 in

So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
— Genesis 1:21

Humans, with our free will can choose to seek, trust, love, and praise God. Other living creatures are different. A tree cannot aspire to grow physically or spiritually…a fish or iguana cannot choose to trust (or thank) God for the next meal - they just get the food.

Take this portrait of Jack the dog as an example. Jack, one of the best two pets on the face of the earth (in my opinion), is always on the lookout for good things…quality care, time to play, and regular food intake (especially but not limited to gourmet steak and bacon).

My point? There is a special place for pets in the eyes of God; as His Word says, “in His hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of mankind.” And if a pup can be ever-hopeful for a sizable steak and constantly beg for treats and human interaction, how much more should God’s children hope in the Lord for all that is good, pursue Him and His Will, and trust we will receive all we need from Him when we ask?

“Pawtrait” commissions are available for most types of animals (sorry, no rodents or snakes) - inquire here.


Landscapes of Creation